YAG Laser Precision

Remove unsightly varicose veins, spider veins and vascular lesions with no downtime and no surgery!

Viora’s advanced and proprietary PCR™ Technology allows your clinician full control and customization. Treatments can be tailored to your unique skin condition and your skin type for the safest and most effective treatments possible. In addition to safety, Viora’s unique Contact Cooling technology ensures the most comfortable treatment possible with minimal downtime!
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Advanced Skin Care FAQs

What skin types are treatable?

All skin types can be treated.

Are treatments painful?

While there may be mild discomfort, with Viora’s contact cooling system, our laser technology treatments provide the most comfortable experience possible.

How long do treatments take?

Viora’s laser technology includes variable pulse configuration, enabling the most effective and safe treatments. Exact treatment time depends upon the specific application, each individual patient’s condition, and the specific area that is being targeted for treatment.

When will I see results?

Treatment effects are visible immediately.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

Typically the number of treatment sessions range from 4-10 treatments, depending upon the actual application needed, and each patient. Please consult with your clinician to better understand your individual needs.

How long do the results last?

One maintenance session is generally recommended every 3-6 months, or as required. Your clinician can advise the best interval time for your specific needs.

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Features & Benefits

  • Clinically proven state of the art treatments
  • Safe and painless, with no downtime
  • Little to no recovery time
  • Minimal risk of infection or scarring
  • Extremely natural-looking results


We want to help everyone feel and look great, which is why all of our services are priced very affordably. We’re here to help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted and to help you stay youthful. For more information about pricing and packages please schedule a complimentary consultation.

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