Behavioral Strategies to Help Your Weight Loss Plan

Behavioral Strategies to Help Your Weight Loss Plan

We have 7 strategies could help your weight loss plan with behavioral modification.

  1. Schedule your day to allow adequate time for buying, preparing and eating healthy food. Set an alarm if necessary so you don’t get stuck watching TV or working at the computer.
  2. Stock up on healthy snacks that have a pleasing texture and taste. You may like the crunchiness of carrots, the tanginess of cheese cubes, or the smoothness of frozen yogurt. Drinking a cup of hot tea with your midmorning or mid-afternoon snack may make it last longer and feel more satisfying. While you are on your individual weight loss program, we have NuYou treats and snacks that are satisfying and curb that craving for sugar or something sweet. Utilize these, rather than turning to something “off” program.
  3. Communicate with family and friends and ask for their support in improving your health. Ideally, working on weight together with a friend or family member means you can encourage and support each other and help keep each other on track.
  4. Stay “in the moment” while eating. Avoid eating at the computer, while driving, or multitasking. Tune into the experience of eating, what tastes and textures you like, how satisfying the food is, and what it feels like to be hungry or full.
  5. Remind yourself several times a day of your weight loss goal and how important it is to you. You could paste a picture of a thinner version of yourself or write your reasons for losing weight on a note card that you keep with you, or put a picture on your desk.
  6. Don’t get caught in thinking traps that can derail you from your diet. If you feel that you deserve something extra for being good, reward yourself with a NuYou snack and/or treat or something material opposed to food related. If you have a bad day, don’t use it as an excuse to go off your diet for a week. Remind yourself that you need to get back on track as quickly as possible to minimize the damage.
  7. Tell yourself “I can do this.”; Research shows that having self confidence that you can succeed at reaching your goal, is a powerful predictor of future behavior. If you catch yourself thinking negatively, switch to thinking about other situations in which you successfully learned a new behavior. 
  8. These strategies, accompanied by a reasonable nutritional plan, and increased exercise should help you develop a new relationship to food and increase your self-control. If you don’t succeed at first, keep trying. Sometimes lasting behavior change takes more than one attempt. You are relearning a healthier way of living and developing a new set of skills. This often takes persistence and determination. The rewards of a better quality of life and, possibly, a longer life, will be worth it!

Congratulations, you have made the right choice!