
Let’s Get Active

Most people agree, exercise is good for you. However, did you know that 80% of adults over the age of 25 do not regularly do it? The reasons why we aren’t exercising varies. Many of us think that exercise only consists of playing sports, lifting weights, going to the gym, or running.

Increasing Activity

You may have heard “Wellness is 80% Nutrition and 20% Exercise.”  It’s important to make sure as we start our journey to health that we understand the benefits of both good nutrition and why it’s important to start to increase our activity levels, especially the healthier we get.  

Visualizing a NuYou

One of the most effective techniques for bridging the gap between mind and body is visualization. Visualization is a learning technique that has been proven to be very useful in accomplishing weight loss tasks. The idea is to, in your mind, picture yourself performing a task and/or activity to help overcome major barriers that frequently stand in the way of our weight loss goals.

Best Ways to Store Fresh Produce

Are you determined to eat healthy this year and you’ve got a kitchen full of fresh fruits and veggies to prove it?! Now you’re worried about whether or not all of this great nutritious food is going to stay good long enough for you to enjoy all of it? We’ve got storage tips for your fresh produce to ensure that it lasts up to it’s potential.

Setting Realistic & Attainable SMART Nu Goals

People, by nature, are goal setters. They want a better job, more money, and better benefits. Or they save money for a bigger, better house, furniture, or a nicer car. Most successful people set goals to monitor their progress and motivate themselves to accomplish certain tasks. They dream big and plan strategies. You can use this same process for setting lifestyle goals as well.

Get Your Walk On

Most people agree that exercise is good for you. Yet 80% of adults over the age of 25 do not do it regularly. Exercise can be as easy as getting up to change the channel on TV, instead of using the remote or using the stairs at work, instead of the elevator. Just like our Bites, Licks, and Tastes can add up quickly, little by little, so do calories burned.

Surviving Weekends & Vacations

Don’t undo 5 days of hard work over the weekend or on a vacation, just to have to start all over come Monday. It’s so easy to let things slip after working hard all week, we get it, you’re ready for some rest and relaxation and those thoughts can extend to your diet – but don’t let them completely take over or you always be playing catch-up.

6 Dimensions of Wellness

These strategies, accompanied by a reasonable nutritional plan, and increased exercise should help you develop a new relationship to food and increase your self-control. If you don’t succeed at first, keep trying.

Help! I have to go out to eat. What do I do?

Lunch and/or dinner out, socializing at friend’s houses, and business travel all can often mean “too much” food and drink. Most of the time, it’s hard to refuse. Often you’re forced to eat when you’re really not even hungry. Eating doesn’t have to do you in. Carefully controlled eating can fit right into your weight loss and weight maintenance programs. If you follow these guidelines you are sure to find that eating out can be just as fun & nutritious as eating at home.