Pam R.

Pam R.

Pounds Lost: 103 pounds  Inches Lost: 79.25 inches

 “I knew I needed to make a change, and I was determined to make it.

Why did you come to NuYou?

After many failed weight loss attempts over the past 25-30 years, I was starting the journey of weight loss surgery. About halfway through the process my friend mentioned that she knew someone who had great success through NuYou. She recommended I check out the website. I signed up for the free consultation. I was still skeptical about why this program would work when nothing else ever had before. I contemplated joining NuYou for several weeks. Then a woman I know passed away after complications from a surgery that likely had less risk than bariatric surgery. I didn’t want my kids to face a life without me if I chose the surgery route and I had an unexpected complication. I called NuYou the same day and said “Sign me up!”

What did you enjoy most about NuYou?

The personal support I felt from all of the staff. Their suggestions and recommendations on foods to try, new ways to prepare vegetables, the recipes, the monthly support meetings, assistance when dining out to make good choices ahead of time. 

How has weight loss impacted your self-esteem?

I have always been a confident, outgoing person but now I feel like that has been elevated even more. I’m confident to do activities like hiking because it is so much easier after the weight loss. I’m also confident enough to share my weight loss struggles and journey with anyone. 

Has your weight loss impacted your family and/or community life?

My kids have only ever known me as an overweight person. They say that they hardly recognize me. My family has been extremely supportive of my weight loss journey. 

Has your weight loss improved your health or activity levels? 

In November 20202 I received a diabetes diagnosis. At my follow-up in November 2021 my A1C had dropped and I no longer am considered diabetic. I also went off of blood pressure medication as a result of the significant weight loss. 

Do you look better and/or feel better?

I do not recognize the smaller body I now live in. I haven’t had my weight this low in 25-30 years my energy level is fantastic. I’m enjoying a more active lifestyle including walking and hiking and can do these activities without getting short of breath.

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